press play to hear from WCPH Program Dir. Chrystal Woller

The Iowa Department of Public Health says now is the time of year when ticks and Lyme disease are on the rise. Washington County Public Health Program Director Chrystal Woller says that Lyme disease is spread by the Deer Tick and affects the skin, the nervous system, heart and joints and most cases occur in June and July. Woller says if you plan to be outside in wooded areas or tall grasslands, to be sure to wear long clothing, socks and shoes, and cover yourself with insect spray that works for ticks. Check for ticks immediately after an outing, and if you find one, remove it with tweezers. In some cases, early symptoms of Lyme disease include a large circular rash at the site of the tick bite, accompanied by chills, fever, headache, fatigue, stiff neck, swollen glands, and joint pain.

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