A campaign of meatless Mondays is beginning to spread around the world and could start to have an effect on the region’s Ag industry.  ISU Extension Beef Program Specialist Byron Leu says if this program begins to become popular, he says it would make a difference in the productivity and production levels that need to be achieved.  He says a larger impact would be on the producers. 

Leu says it could mean a lower production level would be needed, or make up the difference through exports.  He notes it could also reduce the economic impact on the region which would create a lower dollar return on the production units. 

Leu says if this program continues to spread, producers would have to take an approach of saying that using meat is a choice and if used appropriately is a sound and nutritional program to meet a lot of our needs.  He adds the Atkins Diet had a positive impact on the industry, and with this approach, it would have a negative impact and he hopes a balance could be met.

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