
The Caucuses in Washington County were a success. Steve Olsen, the chairman for the 3rd ward republican caucus, said they had a high turnout. They received 84 votes total. Mitt Romney was the winner of the evening with 25 votes, followed closely by Rick Santorum and Ron Paul with 20 and 19 votes respectively. Representatives spoke for most of the candidates except for Michelle Bachman and Herman Cain. In Ainsworth they had more people register to be a republican at the caucus than they have in previous years. That seemed to be a trend at the locations around Washington. The Democratic Caucus at the Public Library didn’t see as many people, but that’s something they expected. They spent their time discussing various platforms. KCII has all of the caucus results for southeast Iowa. They can be found at our website, KCIIRadio.com.

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