As previously reported by KCII, a delegation of Iowans traveled to China to repay the visit by China Vice President Xi Jinping. Iowa Soybean Association President-elect Mark Jackson of Rose Hill was part of that delegation. He says it’s very important to continue the relationship between Iowa and China that has been established for many years. China imports more soybeans from the United States than all other countries combined. Jackson says that they have a saying that every fourth row grown goes to China.

He says it’s important to continue these meetings between the two countries, especially in China where face to face interaction is very important for trade relations. He agrees with DuPont Vice President Bill Neiber who says China’s agricultural system will improve by modeling Iowa’s fields, but as their system improves and the quality of life increases in China, the Chinese will look for more meat based protein in their diets, which is good news for soybean farmers, because soybeans will be needed to feed China’s livestock.


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