Garden plants can be started indoors as seeds and transplanted in the spring. Horiculturists with Iowa State University and Extension advise that various containers can be used to germinate and grow transplats, including cut-off milk cartons. Also, for best results seedlings should be grown under fluorescent lights with 40-watt bulbs. Vegetables and flowers have different growth rates as seedlings and should be started at different times.

· 10 to 12 weeks – Geranium
· 8 to 10 weeks – Petunia, salvia and impatiens
· 6 to 8 weeks – Marigold, pepper and eggplant
· 5 to 7 weeks – Tomato, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and zinnia
· 3 to 4 weeks – Cucumber, watermelon, muskmelon and squash

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