While average temperatures last month were nearly eight degrees below normal, average temperatures so far this month are less than two degrees below normal. According to the National Weather Service, the average temperature so far this month for Washington is 26.7 degrees Fahrenheit while the norm is 28.3 degrees. Also, so far this December the average maximum temperature has been below normal by about four degrees, but the average minimum temperature has been above normal by one degree at 19.8 degrees.

With only 21 days left in the year, the average temperature for the year to date is 47.7 degrees, below the normal 51.1 degrees, but total precipitation is above normal at 41.71.

Month-to-Date Summary – observed, normal
Average Maximum temperature – 33.6, 37.9
Average Minimum temperature – 19.8, 18.8
Average Temperature – 26.7, 28.3
Total precipitation – 0.01, 0.58

Year-to-Date Summary – observed, normal
Average Maximum temperature – 59.0, 62.4
Average Minimum temperature – 36.4, 39.8
Average Temperature – 47.7, 51.1
Total precipitation – 41.71, 35.38
Total snowfall since July 1 – 4.8, 2.1