Blue W’s on white flags hanging up in November can only mean one thing – the Chicago Cubs have won the World Series. The 108-year championship drought came to an end this week. One fan in Washington has waited quite awhile for his team to be on top. Fritz Conrad is delighted to see the Cubs win and shares it’s a wonderful feeling. He said with a chuckle, “I’m 96-years-old and I’ve been fighting them ever since I knew them.”

KCII spoke to Conrad at the beginning of the World Series and he predicted the Cubs would go all the way. Wednesday night Conrad’s TV was on late into the night with a baseball diamond on the screen. A rain delay was called at the end of the 9th inning, just before entering extra innings. Conrad said he wasn’t nervous, he thought the Cubs would win, despite having the game tied at 6-6 when he retired for the night.

The game was settled in the 10th inning. Conrad woke up Thursday to learn his hunch had been correct and that his team came through – their first championship in his 96 years.