Larry Smith (left) current Washington and Keokuk County Emergency Management Coordinator speaks with Washington County’s Board of Supervisors Tuesday. KCII News photo

Washington County is taking steps toward having it’s own emergency management coordinator. At Tuesday’s Washington County Board of Supervisors meeting, chairman Richard Young explained the Washington County Emergency Management Commission voted to discontinue the 28E sharing agreement with Keokuk County. That vote gives Washington County six months to establish the position and budget, and then hire a person to fill the role before the end of the fiscal year on June 30th, 2017.

Currently Washington County splits the cost with Keokuk County and has Larry Smith serve in each county 20 hours every week. Under the current set up, the cities and county each pay $1.75 per person. As budget time approaches to start 2017, the supervisors are going to look at alternative ways to fund the department and the duties of the position. The Emergency Management Commission next meets January 11th, where they’ll look at their budget.