Highland freshman Riley Donovan received $2000 to implement new recycling bins in the middle and high school.
The Highland middle and high school will be promoting more recycling next fall, all because of one student.
Freshman Riley Donovan proposed to the administration that recycling containers be purchased for cardboard, newspaper, aluminum, and plastic waste. Donovan saw this need because the only recycling containers Highland had were for paper. Donovan and Principal Angela Hazelett sent a letter to the Mahaska “Dew It For Your School” campaign, in order to get funding for this recycling project. Highland then received $2000 for the recycling bins. Six bins will be divided between the middle and high school, and Donovan will be in charge of monitoring them.
Donovan’s associate Christina Waters talks about the project, “The bins will have a lock on them, so there’s just going to be the top where people can put their waste in the recyclables, and Riley has gone to a few classes in the middle and high school and given a presentation about recycling and what needs to go in there and what not to put in there. We’re hopeful that the kids are going to be very respectful and do those things and make it easy for Riley, because he’s going to go and empty the recycling bins as often as needed, so it’s kind of all on him. It’s his project.” Donovan said he was inspired to implement this because of the recycling work he’s done in the summer and his visits to the SEMCO landfill in Richland. Waters said they wanted to find a science project for Donovan that he would enjoy and be able to take on as a manager. Highland hopes to receive the new bins by the end of the school year.