A free, balanced lunch is available to anyone 1-18 years old this summer in Washington.

The free summer lunch program is running until August 11th this year and any child in the community, even those visiting, can stop by and eat. Food services director of the Washington School District Yota Giardino-Miller explains the program is also open to community members, “We encourage adults and senior citizens to come as well.” The cost is $3.50 per adult. The meals include milk, unlimited fruits and vegetables, and a salad bar.

There’s also a free shuttle bus that goes around town and to Brighton, Giardino Miller says, “We tried to target every area that we can. The more people that come the better off everyone is, because this allows students to continue eating a nutritional meal every day during the summer.” The lunch is available Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at both Stewart and Lincoln Elementary schools in Washington.