A former Washington City Councilman and 32-year employee of Hy-Vee will be remembered this Thursday as the Washington Hy-Vee hosts a benefit for Russ Zieglowsky’s family.

Zieglowsky had worked for Hy-Vee from the time he was 20-years-old. His employer is selling tenderloin sandwiches for $3 Thursday with $2 from each going to Zieglowsky’s family.

Store Manager PJ Hare shares why he feels it’s important to do, “I think it’s something, with a 32-year vet you definitely do something to give back to the family, when it’s that sudden or that type of accident.” Zieglowsky died following a rafting accident while on a trip to Colorado in June. He began working at Hy-Vee in 1985 and was a councilman in Washington from 2006 to 2016.