A local choir will be making Joyful Noise in their concert Tuesday.

Amy Drayfahl, director of the non-profit group Joyful Noise, explains, “[It] is an adult special needs choir, right now we have 37 members which is really exciting. We have a big choir and all of these individuals are from Washington County. They range in age from 15 to over 70. We get together to sing and make a lot of joyful noise.” The group has a concert each year and she shares the theme of this concert is the Name Game, “So all of our songs are going to have a name in them. Some of our songs, anything from Elvira to Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog, Cecelia, I’m Henry the VIII I Am, Sweet Caroline, Bingo, just all over the board.” The free concert begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Washington High School Auditorium.