Amy Green, Brooke Stout, and Kristen Twinam give a presentation about their award winning project, “Stay Safe, Take a Break.” Contributed photo.

The Outstanding Youth Grant Award was recently presented to the Washington County 4-H Club.

The award was given by Iowa’s Center for Agricultural Safety and Health at the Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health conference in Pella. Washington County 4-H received the award for their “Stay Safe, Take a Break” program where 4-H members interrupt farmers in the fields during harvest to give each a bag of safety information and to remind them to take frequent breaks during the busy harvest.

Leader Amy Green says that the farmers are always pleased to receive the bags.  “Initially, they are concerned with a strange vehicle entering the field but when they see a smiling 4-Her with a bag of goodies – it makes their day.” This year the program reached 200 farmers in their fields. Washington County 4-Hers Brooke Stout and Kristen Twinam attended and gave a presentation about the project.