The City of Riverside is working with Main Street Iowa to help identify their downtown strengths, challenges, and revitalization strategies.

As the city is getting closer to completion of it’s downtown streetscape project, the city council is discussing how to progress with enhancing or improving some of the downtown buildings, according to Mayor Allen Schneider, “So we had a discussion with Main Street Iowa about what they would recommend. They recommended this downtown walk around program which is a half day on site, they send a couple people on site to take a look at the downtown area, to talk with local business owners and the public, and give us their perspective.”

The walk around costs $300 and the city will receive a report on Main Street Iowa’s findings, which Schneider believes will be a good starting point for future discussions. The city is anticipating scheduling the walk around for the last week of September, which will coincide with the completion of the streetscape project.