Washington County’s landfill usage dropped in 2018. Lynn Whaley with WEMIGA Waste explained that Washington County’s Recycling Center had fewer tonnages taken to the landfill in 2018 from the year before, “From ’17 to ’18 we were actually down on your landfill tonnage, 20.7 tons in comparison to 2017. If you look, we went over last year’s numbers, we were down 1,307.35 tons in comparison to ’16.” Supervisor Richard Young said that it’s interesting that the county had 2,296 tons in 2015 and in 2018 it was 882. Whaley added that every month he compares their tickets with those from the landfill to make sure they’re the same figures. The savings from 2016 to 2017 was $65,367.50, and the savings last year was $931.50.