A large barn and all of its contents were destroyed by a fire just south of Sigourney Wednesday night.
Sigourney Fire Chief Bill Halleran says they were called to 23544 200th Avenue at about 6:30 p.m. to discover the barn completely engulfed in flames and the roof caving in. He says the barn, plus several vehicles, a boat and farm-related equipment inside were all destroyed by the fire. Halleran says the advanced stage of the fire made saving the barn impossible, firefighters focused on preventing another farm building about 30 yards away from also catching fire.
Halleran says the cause of the fire may have been electrical in nature, but making a final determination is difficult because everything is covered in frozen water brought on by the sub-zero temperatures. He says no damage estimate is available and there were no injuries.
Hedrick and Keota fire departments also responded to the scene. Halleran says a Sigourney school bus was also brought on site to help keep firefighters warm while rotating in crews to fight the blaze.