Iowa native and internationally renowned bass-baritone Simon Estes will perform a concert at the Event Center in the Riverside Casino and Golf Resort Sunday. Colleen Sojka, Board member of the Community Foundation of Washington County says it involves four high school choirs: Washington, Mid-Prairie, Highland, and WACO will all sing a piece and then join Estes at the end of the concert in a song. Sojka said the concert is a part of Estes’s Roots and Wings Tour where he is raising money for the Simon Estes Iowa Educational Foundation. The Foundation will award scholarships to students in each county participating in the Roots and Wings tour. Tickets can be purchased at the Gift Shop at the Resort, the Washington Chamber office or at most banks in Washington County. Ticket prices are $10 for students, $30 General Admission, and $45 VIP including a reception with Mr. Estes. The Concert is Sunday at 2pm.

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