
A Henry County farmer who suffered severe damage in last week’s tornado says he plans to start over.  Lowell Unruh who owns a turkey farm near Wayland says even though some of his neighbors had suffered damage as well, many neighbors and residents of Wayland chipped in to help clean up right away.

[audio:https://www.kciiradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Unruh-1.mp3|titles=Lowell Unruh]

Unruh who was not at home when the storm hit talks about how he learned of the storm.

[audio:https://www.kciiradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Unruh-2.mp3|titles=Lowell Unruh]

Unruh says his intention is to clean up and get rid of what he can and then start over.

