Representative Jarad Klein, Senator Kevin Kinney and Representative Dave Heaton met with constituents Saturday morning at the second legislative briefing of the session at the Washington County Courthouse. Each legislator gave opening remarks discussing the first six weeks in Des Moines for the session and then heard remarks and answered questions from the audience.
Many in the audience expressed concern for education funding, to which Heaton said he doesn’t believe transportation costs for schools should be included in their general funding, as it hurts rural districts.
Mental health care and concerns regarding the closing of two facilities in the state was also discussed, to which Kinney said it is frustrating as there are no more beds for people who need care.
And, regarding the gas tax with the proposed 10 cent increase, Klein explained he will not be voting for the bill this week because he wants to see discussion on the other items attached to the bill.
The next legislative briefing will be held at 10 a.m. March 21st at the Washington County Courthouse.