Louisa County Supervisors are moving closer to allowing All Terrain Vehicles or ATVs on secondary roads in the county. County supervisor Randy Griffin tells KCII News, the supervisors have all agreed in principle to allowing ATVs and UTVs on roads and they want the law to be as simple as possible. Griffin says drivers licenses will be required and the speed limit will be kept low.
Dr. Charles Jennissen of the University of Iowa calls it a recipe for disaster, with 60% of all ATV deaths occurring on roadways with most of the deaths being single vehicle crashes. ATVs are not designed to be used on roads due to high centers of gravity and tires that are designed to grip dirt not pavement. Jennissen also noted that manufacturers say in all warnings to stay off roads with ATVs.
The supervisors have been discussing allowing ATVs on the road since early December 2015 when county resident Tim Gerst presented a petition signed by 400 people in favor of the county allowing ATVs on the county’s secondary roads. Washington County approved an ordinance allowing ATVs on secondary roads two years ago.