The Washington County Conservation Board is partnering with the City of Washington to apply for two different grants to help fund improvements to the Kewash Nature Trail. Conservation Director Steve Anderson said the city is seeking a Resource Enhancement and Protection, or REAP grant, for one segment of the project. At the same time, the Conservation Board is moving forward with a Transportation Alternatives Program, or TAP grant, which Anderson feels they have a strong potential of receiving.
Anderson is hopeful both grant proposals will be awarded. The city’s REAP Grant would help fund the creation of a trail spur, which would connect the trail, Willow Pond, and the Kirkwood Washington Regional Center. Meanwhile, the county’s TAP Grant would supply $342,000, to do pave several trail sections. Anderson anticipates they won’t get any notification about either grant until closer to the end of the calendar year. The TAP Grant has been approved at the local levels and is now at the federal level for final review.