If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about monarch butterflies and how they migrate, Louisa County Conservation has just the event for you. On Thursday, September 15th, they will be hosting a free all ages event about monarch migration at the Chinkapin Bluffs Recreation Area southeast of Columbus Junction. Louisa County Naturalist Lana Artz-McComb explained they like to highlight monarchs this time of year, as this is when they’re gathering and preparing for their migration to Mexico. With that in mind, they host programs related to monarchs and their habitat to emphasize the concerns about the future of the butterflies.
The program will demonstrate how tagging monarch butterflies is done, and its purpose. In order to ensure they will have butterflies to tag, Artz-McComb has been raising monarch caterpillars in her office, in addition to some being raised in local classrooms. They are aware of normal migration patterns, so she’s confident there will be several wild butterflies to catch and tag, but admitted butterflies don’t necessarily follow a schedule. Nets and tags will be provided to attendees, and it’s recommended participants wear long pants and tennis shoes. Registration for the event is required, and can be done at LouisaCountyConservation.org, or calling 319-523-8381.