The United Presbyterian Home board members take part in a ground breaking ceremony. Photo by Sally Y. Hart
Dirt has officially been moved for an expansion at the United Presbyterian Home in Washington. A ground breaking ceremony was held Wednesday morning, but work began in August thanks to favorable weather. CEO Mike Moore welcomed those in attendance and shared that over the last 30 years, the UP Home has added the McCleery Health Center, Kerr Hall and the dining room. He said each of those were exciting but unsure times, and he thanked the board for believing in another project and taking a leap of faith to meet the needs of the the community. Moore thanked all of those who have helped financially. He also thanked the residents and staff who are putting up with the construction over the next year.
Mayor Sandra Johnson called the UP Home a leader in providing care to residents, 67% of which are from Washington County. She added community means to care and to give. Board member David Maupin also took the podium and a closing prayer was provided by Reverend Forest Krummel.
The overall cost for the project is $6.2 million, it was initially thought to be $4.7 million. It will add 17 private rooms, as well as fitness facilities including a warm water therapy pool and an indoor track.
For more photos from the event visit KCII Radio’s Facebook page.