A cement marker was found while road crews excavated near the entry to Applewood Bistro of Halcyon House. Photos by Sally Y. Hart

Since news of the mysterious cement pillar with a metal plaque broke last week, people have stepped forward with clues as to it’s origin. Crews found a cement marker with a plaque that read “Hugh Smith and Family” while excavating part of Sitler Drive in Washington.

City Clerk Illa Earnest shared Hugh Smith was born in Ireland in 1814, came to the U.S. in 1831 and moved to Washington by 1839. He passed away March 31, 1891. She said the city was contacted by Sarah Murphy, who’s family has lived near Elm Grove Cemetery for 50 years. Murphy said money was raised to put trees along what is now Sitler Drive, formerly Elm Grove Road. Each family that donated money for a tree had a marker. The mysterious marker that was thought to be a temporary grave marker or property marker, was used to mark the family’s tree.