Photo courtesy of the Iowa DNR
For the second year, Lake Darling is taking part in an event going on at state parks around the nation by hosting a First Day Hike tomorrow, the first day of the year. The hike is sponsored by the Friends of Lake Darling, and according to President Jim Dickinson the event has been going on at state parks for several years. Park Manager Andy Roach and Park Ranger Zach Haworth brought the First Day Hike to Lake Darling last year, and plan on making it an annual event.
Dickinson believes the First Day Hike is a good way to help people get a head start on their New Year’s resolutions. He says, “It sets the tone for the entire year, that maybe we ought to get out and enjoy the outdoors, get some exercise, and start eating healthy. Improving our quality of life.” The First Day Hike will begin at 10 a.m. Sunday, starting at the Lake Darling lodge. There are two distances attendees can choose from: a 1.5 mile hike to the four-season cabins, or a three-mile hike to the Ding Darling Interpretive Pathway. Refreshments will be served after the hike.