The United States Environmental Protection Agency is seeking to educate people about a silent killer that might be in their homes, by designating January as National Radon Action Month. Radon is a radioactive gas that is invisible, odorless, and tasteless, and comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water. It is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in the U.S., claiming around 21,000 lives every year. However, the EPA assures people that radon levels in their home are detectable and fixable.

Testing is the only way to know if there is a risk for radon, and can be done using a kit or by air quality professionals. If high levels of radon are detected, it can be fixed by purchasing radon reduction systems that can reduce levels in the home by up to 99 percent. The EPA recommends radon testing should be done every year, because environmental changes can cause the levels to fluctuate. To learn more about radon and National Radon Action Month, click on the link below.