The Keota High School Homecoming Court; Back Row (L-R): Mallory Woltering (#1 Eagle Fan Escort), Jace Uphold, Cole Stout, Anthony Campbell, Avery Conrad, Jacob Wickenkamp (#1 Eagle Fan Escort); Front Row (L-R): Bianca Cardona, Raigan Sprouse, Baylei McClelland, and Erin Chalupa; photo courtesy of Keota High School
The Keota Homecoming Week is nearing its end, and the school is preparing for an evening of excitement and basketball. Keota annually honors its rich basketball tradition by having their homecoming festivities in January, as opposed to during football season. Activities for today include an afternoon pep rally, the basketball game against Tri-County, the crowning of the king and queen at halftime, and the honoring of “The #1 Eagle Fan,” secretary Andrea Striegel. High school social studies teacher and student council adviser Michael Jacobsen explains what the #1 Eagle Fan is, “This is something they’ve done in years past to recognize someone from the community or the school, that just really goes above and beyond to support not only the athletics programs, but the school as a whole. Andrea really embodies what it means to always go above and beyond.”
Striegel will give a speech to the crowd, as will coaches of the winter sports teams, and the players on the teams will be recognized. The moment all the students have been waiting for, the ceremony crowning the homecoming king and queen, will be held at halftime. The members of the court and candidates for the crowns are Bianca Cardona, Erin Chalupa, Baylei McClelland, Raigan Sprouse, Anthony Campbell, Avery Conrad, Cole Stout, and Jace Uphold.