A decision must be made by February 10th as to whether the county will go forward with Hobart Historic Restoration, HHR, to rent-to-own the former McCleery Calendar Factory or to forgo the option. The item was tabled Tuesday by the Washington County Board of Supervisors and was first on their agenda January 17th. Supervisor Jack Seward said they’re waiting because they aren’t ready to make a decision and they’re still listening to area residents’ opinions.
HHR owner Jim Hobart has worked with the local Board of Health to develop an option where the county can rent-to-own the building from the company. Hobart will own the building for at least five years, so tax credits and grants can be applied to the project to keep the costs down. Hobart will be restoring the building at 628 East 3rd Street in Washington, but has to decide if it will be commercial or residential. He’s waiting for word from the county.
If public health would move there, the department would use the first floor, approximately 11,000 square feet. The second floor could house other county offices that are in short supply of space, or could be rented out to other entities. The project would not require a bond referendum.
For more information check out KCII’s previous articles:
– Rent-to-Own Option for Former Calendar Factory
– Board of Health Recommends Option for Supervisors to Consider with Building Needs
– Work Session Held with Board of Health, Supervisors and Hobart Historic Restoration for McCleery Calendar Factory