The monument in Riverside declaring Kirk’s birth year as 2228; photo courtesy of the Riverside Area Community Club

Star Trek fans know two things for certain about the future: that Captain James Tiberius Kirk will be born in Riverside, Iowa, and it will happen on March 22nd. One thing that’s up in the air depending on who you talk to, is the exact year that will happen. When Riverside officially became the future birthplace of the Star Trek captain in 1985, the city proclaimed 2228 as his future birth year. This was approved by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry when he gave the city his blessing to be Kirk’s birthplace, which up until then was simply stated as “A small town in Iowa.”

However, in 1993, two years after Roddenberry’s death, a book was published called “The Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future.” In the book, it was stated Kirk’s birth year would be 2233. That year was further confirmed in the Star Trek reboot movie, which was released in 2009, though in the film’s alternate time line, Kirk was born in space as opposed to Riverside. Debate continues among the Star Trek community, with some saying the blessing of the character’s creator should be proof enough the year should be 2228, while others say the math makes more sense to have it be 2233. Neither side appears willing to budge, so an agreement to disagree will have to suffice for now. The City of Riverside recently celebrated Kirk’s birthday as they do every year: at the “Future Conception Place of James T. Kirk,” Murphy’s Bar & Grill.