At last night’s Washington City Council meeting, councilman Jaron Rosien looks at fireworks remnants that were picked up by Washington Police officers recently. Photo by Sally Y. Hart
There will be restrictions on the use of fireworks in the City of Washington, but they will not be banned at this time.
At Tuesday’s Washington City Council meeting, the five council members in attendance approved shorter time-frames for the use of fireworks in city limits. Police Chief Greg Goodman said they’re having problems with people setting off fireworks and then landing two to three blocks away. Multiple citizens spoke against the use of fireworks with safety and noise concerns. Washington Fire Investigator Bruce McAvoy, City Administrator Brent Hinson, and City Attorney Kevin Olson recommend those with concerns speak to legislators.
The law that came down from the state initially allowed fireworks to be used from June 1-July 8, and December 10-January 3 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The second and third readings of the ordinance were held Tuesday and once officially published fireworks will only be allowed to be used in Washington from June 30-July 8th, and 9 a.m. December 31st to 12:30 a.m. January 1st for New Year’s Eve.
Cities can legally restrict the use of fireworks, but not the sale.