A tornado watch was issued from 3-10 p.m. Wednesday night for the KCII-listening area.
Washington received 0.12 inches of precipitation Wednesday. According to the Washington County Communications Office, at 8:57 p.m. a power line hit a pine tree and it caught on fire near 2690 295th Street. Washington Fire Department and Alliant Energy responded to the scene. According to the National Weather Service, strong winds were experienced locally with wind speeds picking up at about 9 p.m. at 21 miles per hour. The strongest wind in Washington Wednesday was recorded at 10 p.m. at 41 miles per hour. It died down overnight, but picked back up at about 3 a.m. at 24 miles per hour.
In northern Linn County a trained weather spotter reported a tornado at about 8 p.m., with a house, grain bins, and semis blown over. Many tornadoes were reported across the state during the strong storms and the National Weather Service will be assessing damage.
Listen to KCII for weather updates as there’s a chance for thunderstorms through Sunday.