Farmers should keep an eye out for one invasive weed that has found it’s way to Iowa, it’s called palmer amaranth.
The plant that looks similar to water hemp can lead to total crop devastation. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Field Agronomist Meaghan Anderson says now is a good time to check fields for the weed, “I haven’t heard a lot on the palmer amaranth front this summer. However we did discover that there was one 2017 seeding of a CRP that had palmer amaranth seeds that appears to have come in with it.” She says now is a great time of year to scout corn and soybean fields. She adds the recent dry weather has played a part in what she’s hearing from farmers regarding diseases and crops, “The disease front for corn and soybeans has really been pretty quiet.” If you think you’ve spotted palmer amaranth in your fields contact Anderson or your local Extension Office.