Those who are unable to hike or bike through the Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge have the chance this month to drive through the refuge and witness the wetland area.
The auto tour road will be open Fridays from August 4 through September 8. Visitors can drive the 5.5-mile road between 8 a.m.-7 p.m. This road is also open to walking and biking during daylight hours anytime from January 1 until September 15. But visitors wanting to see herons, egrets, turtles, and other wildlife better make the trip soon, as the area will be closed from September 15 until January 1 to provide sanctuary for migrating waterfowl.
Refuge manager Sally Flatland says, “I think the conditions are great. We’ve had high waters in the Mississippi which of course results in water levels higher than normal in a lot of areas. But we’re working right now to lower those waters in our management areas in order to increase the food availability in the mudflats there and hoping that by the time the peak migration comes through that conditions will be really beneficial for the birds.”
The auto tour begins at the inlet water control structure located six miles northeast of Wapello. Refuge staff and Friends of Port Louisa NWR will be at the gate from 4-7 p.m. to welcome visitors on Fridays. Refuge biologists will also be at the Fox Pond observation deck from 4:30-6:30 p.m. to discuss refuge wetland management and the fall waterfowl habitat outlook.