It may sound strange to hear of a “Fall Festival” occurring in August, but the City of Lone Tree thrives off of eccentricity for their annual Fall Festival being held this weekend.

Lone Tree Chamber of Commerce President Russell Forbes shares what makes this festival special, “It’s been a tradition of we keep it simple and family friendly and we try to keep it low cost. And some of our events might seem a little goofy, like our egg toss which is our signature event on Saturday night where anybody of any age can participate. We make a mess on the street. We get a lot of laughter, and it’s just simple fun and we try to keep it that way. It doesn’t cost a lot of money and you come out and put a smile on your face and have fun without a lot of money out of your pocket.”

Other events include a robotics demonstration with audience participation from the Highland Robotics team, a kickball tournament in Dougherty Park, with traditions like the baskets auction and the ping pong drop. Forbes prides the festival on keeping it local, “We have a lot of local businesses, such as we have a garden tractor pull team here who goes to other shows but they’re local guys and they do a show, the Lone Tree Pullers. We have a carnival rides and concessions business here, the Next Generation Shows and they’re located in Nichols, Iowa, but they put on the carnival rides. And then we also have local fireworks, the Stumptown Shooters is a local fireworks display team and they put on our fireworks show. So it’s neat to have some local people that can put on some of those things and I think it helps reduce our cost a little bit, too.”

KCII will be broadcasting live from the Big Red Radio Saturday at the Lone Tree Fall Festival in the KCII Summer Town Tour.