The Goncho Apartment building’s demolition permit was recommended at Tuesday’s Washington City Council meeting.
The city’s Historic Preservation Commission recommended the demolition of the Pennsylvania House at 306 North Marion Avenue, also known as Goncho Apartments. Mary Patterson, who serves on the Historic Preservation Commission, explained the two questions the commission analyzes are: is it still a property historic and what is the economic impact if it’s demolished or if it’s rehabilitated. She shared their answers, “So the commission’s findings were that it is still historic, but it does not produce a reasonable income for the owners unless it is demolished. So our recommendation is that the council approve the application for demolition. We were sorry to do this, our job is to protect and to preserve, and in this case it wasn’t possible.”
The next step in the project that will have six townhouses built in its place is for a public hearing on a development agreement and the demolition permit to be held on January 30th.
At a previous meeting, City Administrator Brent Hinson said the work will greatly improve the value of the property there, going from about $70,000 to over $1 million.