Record low temperatures, snowfall, and a chance for thunderstorms are all part of this week’s weather in Washington.

On Sunday, record low temperatures were recorded at 14 degrees. Broadcast meteorologist Michael Karow with Weather Eye Radio Network shares what to expect moving forward, “Finally getting back closer to average towards mid-week, by Wednesday we’re in the mid-60’s for highs and even some upper-60’s for highs by the time we hit Thursday. Another system looks to work on through then Thursday night and through the day on Friday’s time frame, and even into your Friday night bringing a round of some showers and even maybe some thunderstorms out there. And stay tuned to the forecast, we’ll tweak those forecasts going forward, maybe talking about some stronger storms as a stronger cold front looks to work in from the west. And back below average, unfortunately, with those temperatures then once that system works on through up towards the upcoming weekend we’re back in the mid-40’s for highs by Saturday, and Sunday back in the lower-40’s. So definitely a rollercoaster ride with those temperatures.” He adds the unseasonably cool weather is a result of La Nina. Listen to KCII for weather updates.