Severe weather has hit the KCII-listening area in the last week and one threat that came with those storms was lightning.
According to the National Weather Service, on average 54 people in the United States die each year due to lightning strikes. With severe weather during the summer it is recommended to have a family plan in place for emergencies, which Washington County Emergency Management Coordinator Marissa Reisen encourages. “Something every family should have is have a plan in place, so if your kids are at school, if you’re at work when something happens how are you going to make sure that they’re okay, how are you going to communicate with each other. Another thing is your emergency kit that you should have in your home, in your car, what should you have in those kits, just how to be aware of what is going on around you, and what risks actually you might face in the area you live in.”
And remember if thunder roars, go indoors, because if you can hear the thunder then you are likely within range of lightning strikes.