Avoid over-exerting yourself when clearing snow. Last weekend Washington received nearly 10 inches of snow, while Riverside and Keota each had about six inches. Washington County Emergency Management Coordinator Marissa Reisen says to be careful, “Take breaks, not just to get warm but also to give yourself a rest, especially if you’re an older person you really do need to take a break. If you start to sweat that’s usually a good time to go inside, because once you’re sweating that’s going to actually bring your temperature down and that’s not going to help as far as hypothermia goes.” She reminds residents to wear layers when going outside, as they’re better at keeping you warm than a single heavy layer. Remember to wear hats, gloves, and scarves to protect yourself from the cold. Reisen says a few good things to keep in your car during the winter months are a blanket, snacks, bottled water, a shovel, and kitty litter to help get traction if your car gets stuck. Listen to KCII for weather updates, more snow is expected this weekend.