
Now is the time for area high school students to be considering taking concurrent credit classes at the Kirkwood Washington Regional Center. Kirkwood Washington Regional Center Director Tera Pickens shares students should be filling out the pre-registration form for fall 2019 classes. There is no cost for high school students in partner districts for these classes. Pickens explains the cost savings for students and their families in the 2017-2018 school year, “Looking at our Washington County numbers, we had 689 students total in the county take college credit classes in high school at no cost, and that translated to just over $950,000 in tuition savings.” Academies include a variety of areas of study from construction and engineering to emergency medicine. Mandatory orientation sessions will be held in April and May, where students can meet with academy instructors and learn about the time commitment and expectations. Final decisions for enrollment must be made by June 1st.