
Six people in Iowa have died with influenza-associated illness, up from three a week ago. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, influenza activity increased on many measures and it is widespread in the state. There were 29 influenza-related hospitalizations last week. Washington County Public Health nurse Lynn Fisher shares the best way to protect yourself from the illness, “It’s still not too late to get a flu shot. Certainly people can still get a flu shot. It takes about two weeks to build immunity. So that would be number one, but then of course the next really big message I want to press is that if people are ill they should be staying home. Not going out, not to social events, or parties, or even out in public to go to the grocery store.” She also encourages people to clean their hands frequently, and cover coughs or sneezes to prevent spreading illness.

At this time, Influenza A (H1N1) is the predominate subtype detected at the State Hygienic Laboratory. The proportion of outpatient visits due to influenza is above the regional baseline of 1.6%, it is at 2.02%. There were two long-term care outbreaks and 12 schools had 10% or greater absence due to illness.