Photo Courtesy of Mid-Prairie CSD
Belated holiday gifts are being presented by the Mid-Prairie administration.
They have donated their time to give a handful of faculty an additional personal day. According to Superintendent Mark Schneider, at Christmas time he and the five principals drew names out of a hat for staff members to receive an additional personal day. Each of the principals randomly selected a staff member from their building, and Schneider selected eight names, one for each department he oversees as superintendent.
Schneider explains that it’s not only a gift to the teacher, but an opportunity for the school’s leaders to gain some additional perspective, “It helps build staff morale at the holiday time, but I think for myself and for the administrators it gets us either back into the classroom or it gets us doing other employees’ jobs. It just helps us understand a little bit better their responsibilities and the challenges that they have with their position. And it just helps us be more responsive to our employees.” Over the next few weeks the administration team will be filling in for teachers, cooks, janitors, and a bus driver.