A new garbage and recycling collection system and hauler is coming to Washington. The city council voted to proceed with negotiating a five-year contract with Johnson County Refuse. The city received four bids for the work, which will have all residences with uniform receptacles – one can for garbage and one can for recycling, eliminating the current cart system. This would allow for the automated trucks to pick up the containers and empty them. Mayor Jaron Rosien said it’s a positive change, “The general gist would be good news, a feasible plan that moves in the direction that we were hoping.”
City Administrator Brent Hinson shared his recommendation for monthly costs to the residents, “Basically, if you get a 65-gallon trash can, you’re getting a higher level of service so it’s $18.75. If you get a 35-gallon trash can weekly, which is your current level of service, it’s $15.50, which compares to that $15.59, so it’s the same rate basically. And then if you’re putting out a bag every two weeks that compares to that 35-gallon bi-weekly and it’s $12.25 versus $12.27.” Currently, a container with an annual sticker is $14.85 per month and likely would’ve gone up to $15.59 July 1st with the current system. And the proposal includes a bi-weekly 35-gallon trash pick up at $12.25 for those who do not have much trash. There would still be stickers available for additional trash, or bulky items like appliances and furniture. The current contract ends with the fiscal year and the new contract will start July 1st, 2019.