Area youth will have the opportunity to take an extra class during their spring break away from school. The Kirkwood Washington Regional Center is holding Spring Break Mini Camps March 19th, 20th, and 21st from 9 a.m. to noon. Regional Center Director Tera Pickens says they’ve picked popular classes from their summer camps, “We have a welding metal creations class, that’s a course the fills up each and every summer, so we have students trying to get into that class each summer. And then we also are offering a construct and create class. So both of those experiences will be in our state of the art lab. Students will be working on the actual equipment in the lab, they’re going to be using power tools in construct and create. They’re going to learn how to safely weld, and use our welders in the welding metal creations class.” The mini camp is for students in fifth through eighth grades and cost $87 for tuition and materials. To register contact the Kirkwood Washington Regional Center.