IDPH graph
For the first time this season, influenza activity in Iowa has decreased. According to the Iowa Department of Public Health, last week there were 78 influenza-related hospitalizations and nine deaths in the state. The proportion of outpatient visits due to influenza-like illness decreased to 2.89% from 4.49% the week prior.
Washington County Public Health Nurse Lynn Fisher says there are habits to help prevent the spread of illness, “Washing your hands frequently, avoiding crowds, if you’re ill stay home, not going out into the community and spreading it. So good hand washing, cough etiquette, a very good cough etiquette, using a tissue or the crook of your arm to cough or sneeze into, staying home when people are ill.” She encourages people to get a flu vaccine each year to help prevent contracting the illness, and the severity of it if you do get it.
Last week, 15 schools in Iowa had 10% or greater absence due to illness, but that number may underestimate the amount of illness due to many schools being closed for spring break.