
With the goal of bringing Scandinavian cultures to the Midwest, the Emilia Amper Band is in Washington this week. This is the second year that Arts Midwest Folkefest has presented Scandinavian culture across the region, as a Finnish music group was on tour last year. The Washington Community Center is working with Arts Midwest locally.

Manager of the Washington Community Center Cat Nelson says the music is a modern take on traditional folk music, “It’s a very modern, energetic Swedish folk music. They’ve got their traditional nyckelharpa, which is a traditional Swedish instrument. And they’re going to be playing a mix of traditional music sounds, but then they have a very, very fun, energetic modern feel to their music, as well.” The Emilia Amper Band has won Grammy awards and was named Artist of the Year at the Swedish Folk and World Music Awards.

While in Washington they are visiting area schools and retirement communities. People will have multiple opportunities to hear the Swedish music with a free concert Thursday at noon at the Washington Public Library, a workshop at the LET’s Center Thursday at 6 p.m., and a concert Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Washington Community Center.