
The wind industry and renewable energy were recently in the news after comments made by President Donald Trump in a speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee dinner.

The president implicated wind turbines as a cause of cancer. U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley had this to say to KCII news in response to the statement. “I think the president was speaking off the cuff, maybe a little bit tongue in cheek, but he has done that since the campaign. I’m not sure he really understands the importance of wind energy. 7,000 jobs in Iowa and 38% of our electricity generated is dependent on wind. It’s going to expand dramatically in the future. I don’t think he realizes that Chuck Grassley has worked on the wind energy tax credit. I am told that he respects my views. If he knew that I was, I don’t think he would speak off the cuff that way. I think the best thing we can do is ignore it. Of course you know I speak up for wind energy and if the president doesn’t like it…too bad.”

Wind generates more than 38% of Iowa’s electricity, making Iowa No. 1 in the United States in wind power generation.