Washington County is looking to update over 200 road signs. The supervisors approved a resolution where they can go through the state to get up to $10,000 for signs annually. The signs will have a higher grade of retroreflectivity, so they are brighter in your headlights at night.
Also, Washington County Engineer Jacob Thorius asks people to be mindful while traveling on the county’s gravel roads, which are have endured a hard winter, a wet March, and now frost boils, “I realize there’s an ag economy in our county, but be mindful of where we’re hauling and what we’re doing to try to minimize the damage. Right now with the frost boils there’s not a lot we can do. It just takes time and we need a good, hard rain, a thunderstorm coming through would help with that. We just ask people to be mindful of where they’re hauling and what they’re doing, if they could wait, take fewer trips, or whatever.” Listen to KCII for any road closures due to poor conditions.