WACO was well represented on the all-academic conference list for the 2018-2019 winter sports season, recently released by the Southeast Iowa Super Conference.
Warriors that were recognized included Laurie Ackles, Nadiyah Brown, Jonah Clark, Nikolas Coble, Kristen Conley, Grace Conwell, Dalton Diers, William Edeker, Jonah Egli, Jacob Eichelberger, Aubrianna Garnsey, Laney Graber, Morgan Graber, Braden Hammond, Wyatt Harbison, Colton Horak, Brooklin Jones, Matthew Leichty, Tommaso Maestrucci, Molly McLaughlin, Jaicey Miller, Kinzey Miller, Amy Moran, Gabriel Reichenbach, Maggie Rinner, Lindsey Roth, Taylor Sammons, Clara Schmitz, Zachary Schmitz, Caitlin Sells, Larz Smith, Taylor Sutton, and Tyler Sutton.
To receive the award a high school student must have competed in basketball, wrestling, cheerleading, or be a manager and have a 3.5 or above grade point average.