Heavy rain fell across the KCII-listening area Sunday night through Monday and more is on the way. Approximately 3.6 inches of rain fell in Ainsworth and Washington had nearly three inches. There was hail a quarter of an inch in diameter in Crawfordsville.
According to the National Weather Service, more showers and storms are likely with heavy rain which could cause ponding water and flash flooding. Washington County Emergency Management Coordinator Marissa Riesen explains that flash floods are dangerous, “They develop very rapidly. It’s usually as a result of heavy rains. And as little as six inches of standing water with a current can knock you off your feet. And it only takes about a foot-and-a-half to wash away a small car. So if there’s ever standing water, don’t go into it on foot or in your vehicle.” The added precipitation will also likely cause river and stream flooding. Listen to KCII for weather updates.