A support group is available to those who are affected by Parkinson’s Disease. Julie Gentz started the support group after she and her husband, who has PD, moved back to Washington and saw an opportunity to help provide some support to those who need it. Gentz says she wanted something local to go along with the resources already available here in Washington, “I wanted to start a support group because they were always far away and hard for people to get to. The closest one to us in Ottumwa was in Pella, and the closest one here was in Iowa City. It was really a need that I think was waiting to be filled.”
Gentz adds that winter conditions provided a challenge for the first session in February, but since then she’s seen growth in numbers. Support group regular Dave Brown advises those who may be reluctant to ask for help or open up to give the group a try, “You could sit at home and rock in your chair, or you could still have some life in you and use it. It does make me feel better, why don’t we both feel better? It puts people at ease and let’s me make fun of myself.” The group meets the fourth Tuesday of each month inside the Campbell room in Stewart Hall on the United Presbetrian Home campus. Due to Memorial Day the May meeting has not been set yet.